The Dublin Experience, Part Two
Our first day in Dublin was spent mostly recovering from some serious jet lag. We didn't want to sleep, we wanted to make it through e entire day, but as soon as we arrived at our AirBnB, we crashed.
Note: AirBnB is a great resource for travelers. We decided to opt for an inexpensive flat in a great neighborhood - Rathemines - and that ended up being both good and bad. While close to many shops, pubs and restaurants, it was very small and sparse. That would haven been perfectly fine with us, however we discovered that the building had a persistent noise that we were unable to both identify and stop. We both averaged about 2 hours asleep per night. You win some, you lose some, I suppose.
Day Two consisted of a good walk into the city center and a wonderful brunch at a little place called SeaGrass. We wandered into the city center and took the Irish Whiskey Museum tour, checked out the Castle of Dublin and took a snack break at CrackBIRD (an Anthony Bourdain recommendation from The Layover).
We wrapped up the day, hoping to get some sleep before our journey to the South of France the next day (we did not, that mystery noise was a beast), and did some emailing, Skyping and relaxing.