The Dublin Experience, Part One
We arrived in Dublin yesterday, exhausted but happy to be here. We did our best to sleep on the plane but it's always difficult for us to sleep much on the plane (though Lufthansa has fantastic movie and television options, with a screen at every seat, so we got to watch several movies in the absence of sleep). We are staying in a little AirBnB in Rathemines, which is a great location for us. We crashed immediately and only woke up for a quick Lebanese dinner down the road, then back to sleep. Jet lag is no joke.
Dublin has a fantastic amount of street art, some of which I've posted on our Instagram (walksaboutus). We came across this great piece on the side of the building, which we both agree is a bit prophetic to us.
Rathemines, Dublin, Ireland
Traveling for so long is a bit scary, and I've been a bit nervous about not working, but as my sweet friend and fellow world traveler Lee told me, trust what you ask of the universe and life will help you find your way - don't be afraid.